
iOS app 【Past Diary】

【Past Diary】is now available. Can you remember what you ate yesterday? What color of clothes did you wear yesterday? It is said that the brain degenerates if it is not used. Why don't you try to revitalize your brain by remembering the past? "Brain Activity Diary" provides you with questions about the past every day. By keeping a diary every day, you can naturally make it a habit to review the past. You can also check your statistics to see how well you answered the questions. However, the important thing is to use your brain. In the beginning, try not to focus on the score, but make it your goal to keep a diary every day. For those who have made it a habit to keep a diary, try to get 100% !! (The score is just a self-score. If you fill in something, it will be evaluated as if you remembered it.) We hope that “Past Diary" will help you to revitalize your brain. * The effects may vary by individual. * We do not guarantee the effectiveness of this App. * Avai

iOS app 【Handy Pilot】

【Handy Pilot】is now available. "Handy Pilot" is designed to be used not only by trainees but also by professional pilots. It will become the best partner that can perform complex calculations on your behalf. With this app, your daily flight will definitely become smarter. Enjoy Handy Pilot and have a safe flight. * Available on iOS 14.1 and later. * Purchase is required to use all the features. Tools : "Unit Converter" - converts units used in everyday flight operations. "Time Calculator" - add, subtract, multiply, and divide time values. "Turning Radius" - calculates the turning radius based on speed and bank angle. "STD Rate Turn" - calculates the bank angle for making a standard rate turn. "Wind Component" - calculates the crosswind and headwind components. "Wind Limitation" - calculates the wind speed that can meet your limitation, in each wind direction. &